How Jamaican Rum is Made
Craftsmanship at Long Pond Distillery
Located in the northern region of Jamaica, Long Pond Distillery puts considerable care into producing a full-bodied, flavor-rich spirit. The dedication to quality and tradition is evident from the very start of the rum-making process.
The Fermentation Process
Extended Fermentation for Enhanced Flavor
To create a more complex flavor profile, the distillery adds several days to the fermentation period. This extended time allows the esters, responsible for the distinctive flavors, more opportunity to form.
Historical Significance
Long Pond Distillery has roots tracing back to the 19th century, showcasing the rich history and tradition of Jamaican rum production. The commitment to craftsmanship and authenticity remains a hallmark of their operations.
Enjoying Jamaican Rum
The rum produced at Long Pond Distillery, especially the Plantation brand, has won numerous awards. It is recommended to be enjoyed neat, allowing connoisseurs to fully appreciate the depth of its flavors.
Tasting Notes
One can expect to derive familiar food notes in Jamaican rum, such as bananas, pineapples, and pears. These flavors are indeed not a coincidence; they derive from specific esters that play a crucial role in the tasting experience.
Copper Pottering
The traditional pot stills used at Long Pond Distillery contribute to a funkier rum compared to the more modern column stills. This choice enhances the character of the final product, providing a unique taste that enthusiasts appreciate.