Experience Dolphins Gliding Through California’s Bioluminescent Waters

Bioluminescence on California Beaches

Recently, the waters of several beaches along the state of California experienced an eye-catching natural phenomenon that saw the waves glowing a bright blue. Caused by microscopic organisms capable of synthesizing light to evade predators, this colorful display can be quite rare. Luckily for some locals, they were present to witness it firsthand.

Local photographer Patrick Coyne captured an amazing video from a boat that showed dolphins swimming through the blue waves. According to Patrick, finding these magnificent creatures at night and catching them aglow in the bioluminescence was a once-in-a-lifetime event.

“Seeing this in person is something you dream about. I never thought it would actually happen, but I’m so thankful it did. I’ve seen a lot of wildlife over the years on the ocean, but witnessing these incredible dolphins swimming in pitch-black water while glowing is truly magical. It was one of the best nights of my life. We definitely knew it was possible to see glowing dolphins under the water since Newport Beach had exceptional bioluminescence. The challenge is actually finding it and then having an animal swim through it at the same time,” he said.

Cinematographer Skylar Wilson also managed to capture a remarkable video of surfer Blair Conklin riding the shimmering waves at night.

“It has been absolutely mind-blowing to experience this spectacle of nature. I’ve lived at the beach my entire life and have never seen anything quite like it. I could not have foreseen this surge of bioluminescence. Speaking to friends who have lived in Southern California their whole lives, they agree that this amount of red tide is indeed very rare. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have witnessed it, let alone capture it on camera,” she shared.

“The reaction to the video has been crazy. I definitely didn’t expect it to take off like this. I’m happy that I could create something that has resonated so positively with people all over the world. Nature truly is amazing!” Skylar added.

Experience the Magic of California’s Bioluminescence

California’s beaches are not only known for their stunning scenery but also for extraordinary natural events. The phenomenon of bioluminescence highlights the unique ecological processes of the region. Residents and visitors are encouraged to experience this captivating display of nature whenever the opportunity arises.

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